Friday, April 6, 2012

People Help The People

*Title courtesy of People Help the People by Birdy*
Well, I could use some help right now. I just got home, you see, and I would really appreciate if someone helped me unpacked. Otherwise, I'm completely content with living out of my suitcase until, oh I don't know, summer. But for real.
In other news, now that I'm back home I get to use the laptop that doesn't have the broken apostrophe button! Yay!That also means that I don't have to keep logging into websites every time I exit out of the internet because this laptop, my baby, knows me!
SN: I've been told that exclamation points are cheesy, but I don't really care right now. I'm excited to be home, my room smells like fresh air, and I don't mind cheese. On the contrary, cheese is my favorite dairy product. I feel like this should be a scene in She's The Man-- "Why yes I do, my favorite's Gouda." Good stuff.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Your Friends, They Look Good But You Look Better

*title courtesy of Stole My Heat by One Direction*
Today deserves two posts because I realized I never told you all about the wonderfulness that occurred Thursday at school: My friends and I dressed up like One Direction. Now, some could say we have taken this obsession to much to high a height, but I beg to differ. Actually I do not beg, I just differ. Regardless, we had a miniature photo shoot, and I thought you may want to partake in some of our adventures. Now I cannot (I figured it out..haha!...refers to a later post...some of you may not understand...) upload all of them because there are too many; instead, I will grace you with a selected few. They are glorious, if I do say so myself. Proceed.

We are Harry and Louis,
best friends. Obviously.
This was my fave.
From L to R: Liam Payne, Niall Horan,
Louis Tomlinson (YEAH!), Zayn Malik,
and Harry Styles. Yeah baby!
No particular reason other than
the fact that  we have gotten really good
at being awkward. And Niall and
Louis are awkward best friends, so it fits.
Gahhh! We are so CUTE!

.....Well then......

*title courtesy of my feelings...*
Today I found out that Ian Eastwood was at The University of Central Florida three weeks ago. I was just there yesterday. I am upset. That is all.
And yes, my apostrophe button is still broken.
Actually, Ian Eastwood was not the only one there. Brian Puspos was also there. I love him too. So I am still upset.
Marlee Hightower was there as well. She was on AGT. She is somewhat of a beast.
I am done.
Except not. Here is a photo in his/their honor. Lies. Here are two photos in their honor.
Sorry, Ian. I creeped on your Twitter
for a photo...

She is cute. I like/want
her hair. 

Now I am done.
So long. Farewell. To you my friends. Goodbye. For now. Until we meet again. I said So long....

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo

*title courtesy of Where The Light Begins by Sennen*
Disclaimer: I am not some love-struck, obsessed teenager. Just keep that in mind. Also sorry in advance. For the grammar and the pictures being all out of whack; they had to be arranged kinda funky for me to get them all in like I wanted. Proceed. No caution necessary.
Today was a pretty accomplished day. Spring Break began Friday, and mine officially began Saturday morning at 5:00 A.M. I love waking up earlier on days off than I would have to if I were going to school. Blehh!
OH! Firstly, I got mah permit, yo! :) I was happy. It only took like three trips on Friday to the DMV to officially get it, but whatever.
Probably my fave part.
You will understand soon.
Back to yesterday, well there is not much to say (my apostrophe key is broken on the computer, so I will be talking without contractions...or if it gets to hard, just pretend like theyre there...see what I did may see a lot of that). We drove down to Florida, my padge and I. The trip lasted about 2 1/2 hours longer than it should have because there was a little fender-bender several hundred miles ahead, but people were rubber-necking and slowing things down. I didnt (sorry...) really mind because I slept most of the time so I wasnt (sorry again...I cant stop....) even aware anything was going on for a while. And then I woke up.
Brace yourself, you are about to get a play-by-play of my day...well, the interesting parts:
1. I woke up at 8:30 for reasons I do NOT understand. It is okay though because I didnt move until 10. I got skills.
2. My padge and I went to Panera Bread (YUSS!) for breakfast (that was supposed to be in quotes, but that key is broken, too...I am surprised I can type anything at all, really.) (It is supposed to be in quotes because when we went for breakfast it was already past 12)
One Direction
3. I drove to the University of Central Florida. It was pretty much what I was expecting, which is good.
4. Did I mention that I drove the entire time? Because I did. Six hours behind the wheel, and I am proud to say I am still functioning semi-normally, which is saying something. I only got honked at like...7-8 times, and flicked off once. Good day. I thought I was driving okay, but apparently others have different opinions.
5. Today, I also pinned One Direction out of control on Pinterest and FINALLY saw the Project Runway: All Stars finale (super pleased with the results. I will not say who won, just in case you are behind too.)
Josh Hutcherson - Nickelodeon's 25th Annual Kids' Choice Awards - Red Carpet
So much beauty it is
6. This did not happen today, but yesterday. I watched the KCAs (Kids Choice Awards) because, as you already know, I am madly in love with One Direction, and they were set to perform. They did. And I screamed. And my sanity was questioned. Joshey-poo (Josh Hutcherson) was also there, presenting (all I want is for him to take me to prom. If he does, I will pay my junior dues on time. Other than that I do not see the point), as was Zac Efron. It was like they were trying to kill me or something. My mini-me, Amandla Stenberg, was there as well, looking as cute as ever. And Alexander Ludwig...gahh! *faints* The Smiths (you know who I mean) also made an appearance, not a surprise since Will was hosting. Cody Simpson (my favorite Aussie eva, and apparently others feel the same) was there, as well. And last but not least, the Biebster showed up. I died a little. He is a cute kid. And I am a fan. I really liked his hair. And his jacket. And his entrance. That is all. Moving on.
7. Last night I made my long-overdue CD of wonderfulness. Artists? Of course. I have Birdy, Florence and the Machine, Regina Spektor, Soley, Lykke Li, just to name a few. This is my weirdos CD. I love it.
8. OH! Geez! I talked about the Hunger Games, but I forgot to tell you all (however many people are reading   this...)...I finished Book One on Friday! :D I cried a little. Okay, a lot. I cried a lot. I started Book Two on the way down and read 70 pages before we even made it here. Now, I am trying to space it out some so I do not finish long before my vacation is over and be left with nothing to do. It is hard. I do not know what to do. I will probably just read anyway, finish it, and then read it again. Yeah, that will probably happen. Tonight.

we're getting married. nothing else to it. sorry clary.   #ianeastwood
Look at the face! Dawww!
This is random, and really embarrassing, but the other day I was looking at Ian Eastwoods twitter page (I follow him, so its not that weird) and I started laugh-crying because I love him so much. And then I did the same for Josh Hutcherson. Things are getting out of control. But I do not want them to change. Sad? Yeah, I know.
I kind of wish I had never told anyone this, but then again, the people that read this, I do not think I know any of you, so hopefully you cannot hold this against me. Hopefully.

SN: Sometimes, while I was typing, I was having a hard time thinking of what a word would be if it were not contracted. Like cant, I typed it as two separate words like can not, and it took a little while before I could figure out why that was so wrong...
SN2: There is a little automatic Febreeze freshener in my room, and every time it goes off, which seems to be at random, I jump a little. Thought you may enjoy that.
I am done.