Thursday, December 29, 2011

"Julia hates me."

Hola blogspot reader. Whoever you are. Is there anyone? I hope there is. Anyway, yesterday I watched Julie and Julia for the umpteenth time, and I realized, "my blog isn't really about anything. Bummer." Yes, I thought those exact words. Weird that I remember, huh?
Well anyway, I decided to do something about it. I like to think of myself as a blooming writer; may be a stretch, I don't know. I do a lot of clubs and take classes about journalism and writing--AP Lit., Journalism, Lit. Mag., Newspaper--I'm a geek. KIDDING! Kind of :). Below I included a snip-it of what I hope to include in this year's Literary Magazine. I'm nowhere near done in editing or completion, but I hope you enjoy! :)
ps. Sorry about the gloomy post title. It was the only line I could pull from my memory from the movie. :P

Overview: What's going in a character's mind as she waits in line at an audition.

Twenty-eight degrees. Twenty-eight blistering degrees with a five mile per hour wind chill. No one in their right mind would be standing in a line two blocks deep in the middle of New York City in the dead of winter simply for an audition.Yet here I am.
"I swear if this line don't start moving soon..." The rest of the idiotic statement is drowned in a sea of high-pitched girlish giggles. I turn my head and do the same. Curious, I step to the left a bit to spot the comedian's face.
It's a nice one. Tan. Chiseled jaw. Hazel eyes.And to top it all off his pearly whites are...well, pearly and white; I know this because the should-be model is still dying with laughter along with the rest of his posse.
Holy guacamole I'd like to marry this guy. Or at least his twin. 
I notice the wind then; it's harsher and colder. 
Oh, good! The line is moving.



  1. I wish there was a like button for blogs cause I would like this post if there was.

  2. Thanks, love! :)Notice the music? You're welcome.
