Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair

*title courtesy of Cuddle Fuddle by Passion Pit*
Please don't hate me! I know I haven't blogged recently, my apologies. I started school again and that presented its own strugs.
On a good note....I GOT MY ALVIN AILEY TICKETS! WOOHOO! Uber excited, yo! The countdown is beginning today: 19 days.
Also....I'm in the midst of writing my scholarship essay for the PULSE Convention Tour.
TBH, I may not be on very frequently until, like, Spring Break...sowwy. I should be studying for an APUSH Test Friday since I'm "free" right now, but blogspot, pinterest, and facebook present themselves as obstacles. Ones I just don't care to avoid at the moment. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Puppy Love.

Dear Ian Eastwood,
It's possible that over the past few months I've developed an unhealthy obsession with you. If you don't mind then I don't. To be honest, even if you did I don't think my feelings would change.
Thank you for involuntarily buying a town home in my little heart. I am currently following your YouTube page, never been happier, and I hope you will do me the honor of accepting my friend request. Thank you.
Someday I hope to meet you. And take your class. And give you a hug...or two. And become your best friend. Someday soon.
It's just not okay to be so beautiful, have wonderful hair, AND be a BEAST at dancing. Not okay. It's also not okay that you haven't been in any Step Up movies. Care to explain, friend? I'm listening.
How says you that when I move to L.A me and you become best friends? Awesome. See you soon, bestie. Love you, too.
Your truly,
Simone Stevens.

PS. Thanks for reading.
PPS. Just in case you were, I don't know, wondering/thinking about choreographing something on a certain date...my birthday is September 23. That's all.
PPPS. I like when you smile. A lot.

Soooo much swag.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Can You Feel The Electricity

So you know that blog from yesterday? The one about SYTYCD being downtown? Well.....WE SAW CAT DEELEY! Ahhh! She was legit standing 6 feet in front of us! We took creeper picture because, according to her body guard (aka our new bff), we don't have a permit to post the photos before they do and if we do someone will track us down and press charges. Exciting, huh?
When we showed up there were dancers being featured and recorded. We walked through a few cameras, so it's possible I'll be a TV star soon. The norm.
We weren't able to watch, however, because we didn't have tickets. But now we know what to do to watch next year and possibly over the summer in LA. Supa excited! I always thought that if a celebrity was standing in front of me, I would be pretty calm. Not true. At all.
*currently watching the Dance Moms marathon, so that is where the title came from*

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ba Da Bop Bop...So You Think You Can Dance (Dance)

AHH! It's happening! We're going downtown to watch the SYTYCD 2012 Atlanta Auditions at the Fox! Woohoo! I can't type much right now, but I'll be back later. I may get to meet Cat Deeley! YUSS! And I can scream "WERKK!" to the auditioners! Happy day!
Well, I told you this would be short, so I'm leaving to go clean everything in the house so I will have nothing to do when I come back! EEP! WHAT IF WE END UP ON TV! YUSSSSS! Okay, Simone, calm. BYE! :)

*title courtesy of So You Think You Can Dance theme song!*

Friday, January 6, 2012

I am lost in a rainbow

Title courtesy of: The Irrepressibles In This Shirt

I finished the first week back at school! Yay! I accomplished most of what I set out to do, including choreographing a dance for the dance department at school. The only problem is that my previous song Sleepyhead by Passion Pit, is currently being overshadowed by Samskeyti by Sigur Ros. The most recent show I also choreographed to a song from this group, Hoppipolla. Pure magic. It's hard listening to these songs and not getting emotional. As of late I've become a big instrumental kind of gal.Currently, the song (Samskeyti) is making it's fifth loop around the bend. I have Travis Wall to thank for this miraculous discovery. He choreographed a piece to a portion of this song at NUVO. It was posted online courtesy of Channing Cooke and Robert Roldan (CC and RR!). Thank you guys.
Also in the school dance world, my BFFL Clary is also choreographing yet again for the spring show. Last time she picked Regina Spektor, never a bad choice, but this time she upped her game and switched her song to In This Shirt by Irrepressibles (check the title). Glorious choice! Always wanted to choreograph to it but secretly hoped she would instead. Dreams really do come true every once and a while. Listen to the song, if you don't know it. And if you do, listen to it again. And then watch Megan Branch "I am lost." And then watch So You Think You Can Dance In This Shirt. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
They are going to find the next
Melanie Moore in ATL. They
just aren't aware, yet.
Speaking of so you think you can dance, auditions for it are in Atlanta as I type! Crazy, right? I thought/think so, too.Tomorrow, I have plans to go to the Fox and take pictures of the two-mile deep line, possibly some of the super cool contestants, and, if I'm lucky, one with Cat Deeley. That is my plan. And I will, hopefully, achieve it. I told myself I would do my homework tonight since I wanted to wake up at the crack of dawn to drool over dancers tomorrow. But now it's almost 12:00. Tsk. Such a shame. Looks like I'll have to do my homework some other time...

FYI: I'm a procrastinator. Trying to change. I just don't think that will be happening tonight. I'll try again tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"You don't know how lovely you ah-ah-are"

This is kind of extreme, but the
first and last definitely
described my feelings, today.

Welcome back to high school, Simone. Lucky me, I didn't actually miss the place. Only three more semesters, though. THREE semesters and then I'm a senior, and then I'm off to LA...or...NY! Woohoo! Or at least, that's the plan.

My stuffed animals are really going to hate
me these last four months :(

 Hopefully this semester will be easier than the last; mainly talking about PreCal, here. Sometimes I wish I'd just taken Trig since it was basically all we learned last year. But deep down, I knew I'd be cheating myself. Or at least that's what I like to tell myself when I think about it. AP Lang is flippin awesome, though. I have a research paper, eight to ten pages, due at the end of...April...? I still don't know what I'm going to research, yet. I've thought about eating disorders in the dance world, or just in general, but that's about all I've got. Before all the excitement happens, I also have to read three books and write essays/do an AP appropriate project for each of them. I'm really not complaining because I actually like doing projects and writing essays. --perhaps I favor the latter a little more-- I just know I've got a LOT to do in AP Lang alone this semester. The AP exams for Lang and USHistory are coming up in May--which, combined, will cost $96--as well, and then finals. Not gonna lie, the APUSH Exam has got me kinda freaked out, so all my free time will no longer be considered "free" as I will be devoting it to my 9,000 page textbook and memorizing every word. Yeah. Maybe. This week is only a 4-day week, so that's good. And it two weeks it will be again.

Currently, I'm getting all the work done that I know I can today: Issues portfolios for APLang, Awareness of News for Newspaper, Chapter 12 Review for Psychics, the sorts.
Outside of school is also a fun life. Dance is starting back up tonight after three weeks. Three weeks off? No problem. I'm in tip-top shape. Never been stretchier. Sometimes I wish it were easier to detect sarcasm through a computer; this is funny to me because I read an article about sarcasm for my Issues Portfolio a few hours ago. I also have to write my scholarship essay for PulseAtlanta in April, register for JUMP Atlanta (One-day), register for NYCDA Atlanta (One-day), choreograph my solo for dance, choreograph a dance for school (I start teaching again tomorrow), and, not really related, the SAT. Jumping for joy...for the first three, anyway; the others will definitely be struggles. I've always liked challenges, and I'm really glad they all decided to show up at once. Thanks guys.
With all this information clogging my brain, today is a devout Coldplay kind of day. I'm Hurting Like Heaven right now, and I don't mind at all. Not one bit.

*title courtesy of Coldplay's The Scientist*

Monday, January 2, 2012

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle...yeah

New year, new morning workout regiment. Guess who's excited!? This girl! Each morning I begin with my ten-minute workout, courtesy of SeventeenMagazine--consisting of planks (love!), crunches (the usual), and arm circle(surprised? i was, too.)--as well as a few of my own workout plans.
Random SideNote: My new love of 2012: Ian Eastwood. Actually, I've loved him for a while; now I guess I'm obsessed. In a good way, though. Not creepy like. Wanna see him? Just a heads up, at 0:12 you may die a little; I usually do. You may experience heart failure, right before actually, at 0:04; there's a GLORIOUS 4second pause from 0:07 to 0:11 where the camera is frozen on his face. Thank you Kyle Hanagami, thank you. PS: I love him, too. They are beasts! And so is Chachi! Yes, she's there, too. "It's like a whole family of supers!" Love. I have more to say, but I'll let you watch the genius in action first. BRB, yo! To be honest, by the end of this video, you may not even be alive. Watevs. It's chill.
Actually, now that I think about it, there really isn't that much more to say. I guess I'll include my favorite workouts that I do each day. I do a few, actually: the SeventeenMagazine 10 min. workouts, Gymnastics Core Conditioning(I don't do gymnastics, but the exercises really work), and DanceSpirit workout regiments. I won't include them all; just mah faves.
Workout Playlist In No Particular Order:
1. You da One by Rihanna
2. Get Down With the Trumpets by Rizzle Kicks
3. Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO
4. Any Lady Gaga song
5. And, of course, my Biebs and Cody Simpson

Workout Regiment:
1. Advanced leg lift: Lie on your back with your legs straight. Place each hand palm down, just under each respective glute. Keeping your head tucked and your body hollow, lift your toes towards the ceiling while simultaneously lifting your body into a candlestick position (straight up and down). Lower back down to the floor without touching. Repeat 10.
What it targets: Abs and Obliques
2. V-Ups Variation: Place a medicine ball between your legs, which should be in a tabletop position. Extend your legs and arms to your working level, then return to your V-position and take the ball from between your legs. Repeat the system 10x.
What it targets: Abs
3. Walking plank: Begin in a standard plank position. Lower your left elbow, followed by the lowering of your right. Then, press up with your left arm first, and then your right. Repeat the series 10x.
What it targets: Tones chest area, triceps, and shoulders
4. Plank with rotation: Begin in a modified plank (elbows on the floor as opposed to palms). Bend left knee into your right elbow. Repeat with right knee to left elbow. Repeat entire series 10x.
What it targets: Obliques and increases heart rate

Maybe I should be a personal trainer when I'm old...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

"We live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round and round."

Happy New Year Part 2 Blogspot! I don't have that much to say, but I thought I'd share with y'all my Bucket List. Enjoy! :)
Blog title courtesy of The Bucket List. Proceed.
The Bucket List. Simone Stevens Style. In No Particular Order.

1.  Convert Carolyn Crisler to a Bama Fan.
2. Take a Travis Wall master class. 
3. Take another Travis Wall master class to make up for the time I stood there drooling and missed all the combinations.
4. Buy a pig and name her Porkie.
5. Become best friends with Justin Bieber…oh wait. 
6. Have a daughter and name her Dalia. 
7. Ride a camel backwards through the Sahara.     
8. Buy a superman t-shirt.
9. Go to Africa for a summer.
10.  Travel to Australia and meet Cody Simpson. 
11.  Eat Canadian bacon. 
12.  Attend a movie premiere in LA. 
13.  Dress up as the Chick-fil-a cow. 
14.  Set/attempt to set a world record for…something.
15.  Play ice hockey.
16.  Attend the Olympics and FIFA World Cup.
17.  Fly across the country in a hot air balloon.
18.  Help an old man cross the street; they need help, too. 
19.  Learn to salsa!
20.  Bend it like Beckham...and Ronaldo. Yes. Both of them.
21.  Survive a New York winter.
22.  Take yoga classes.
23.  Marry a Christian dancer/a dancer with an accent. Either way he has to be a dancer.
*AHEM* Lamar Edwards. I'm waiting. NOTICE: the second part may not happen
24.  Be the voice of a Disney character. Preferably a Princess.
25.  Do a backflip.
26.  Swim in 10ft.
27.  Get a perm…just to see what happens.
28.  Be in a Shakira, Britney Spears or Lady Gaga music video/tour.
29.  See Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre perform in New York City.                                                                                                 
30.  Cover my wall with DanceSpirit magazine covers.
31.  Go to Vegas with Bridget Baldwin.
32.  Witness 2013.
33.  Sit on Jesus' lap.
34.  Move to LA/Attend UCLA/get signed with BlocLA
35.  Meet Drew Brees and fam.
36.  Own a V-Neck in every color of the rainbow.
37.  Stay short.
38.  Learn martial arts…in Japan.
39.  Find out where famous people live.
40.  Audition for sytycd.
41.  Get to Vegas week of sytycd so I can talk to the camera during the rehearsals and let America know how crazy the choreography is.Make it to the top 20 of sytycd. After that Ill let America decide.
42. Be on the Ellen show.
43. Take a Bollywood class in India.
44. Buy yellow stilettos. Then walk in them...without falling.
46. Complete my summer reading on time.
47. Breakdance my way through life.
48. Teach dance to little kids in Africa.
49. See a Broadway Musical.
50. Read the entire Bible.
51. Get an actual bookbag.
52. Buy a little Ceasar dog.
53. Go to Chicago and take a picture in the bean.
54. Travel to every continent.
55. Start a collection of NIKE shoes and ADIDAS jackets.
56. Go Bunjee Jumping. 57. Run a marathon.
58. Feed a baby tiger. On a wildlife preserve. In Africa. With a bottle. In my arms.
59. Learn to play a legit song on the piano.
60. Go hang-gliding in Greenland.
61. Plant a flower in Iceland.
62. Put flowers on the tombs at the Arlington National Cemetery
63. Dance on a TV show.
64. Ride the world's largest roller coaster.
65. Fly away in a slingshot.
66.  Go on a cruise to a really pretty place.
67. Climb the statue of Liberty and walk along the Brooklyn Bridge.
68. Get a picture of me pushing on the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In Italy.
69. Dress up as a baby with Clary Herrera.
70. Officially learn how to clog.
71. Take a pottery class.
72. Finish high school
73. Get a degree in Journalism.
74. Work for a dance magazine.
75. Audition for Alvin Ailey after college and dance with them for 2+ years.
76. Audition for a Broadway play.
77. Eat at a Mexican restaurant and order everything (correctly) en Espanol.
78. Ride a subway.
79. Ride every single ride at six flags.
80. Shop on Rodeo Drive without feeling guilty.
81. Have 2 boys, Levi and Judah.
82. Ride with the dolphins.
83. Meet an Aborigine.
84. Hug a koala.
85. E-mail letters to my kids as they grow up. Like that guy in the google chrome commercial.
86. Milk a cow.
87. Go to the White House for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt.
88. See the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade in person.
89. Watch the ball drop in Times Square on New Years Eve.
90. Be a vegan for a day.
91. Go to the Holocaust museum.
92. Donate blood.
93. Sleep in a pretty castle.
94. Buy a chia-pet.
95. Become an organ donor.
96. Return to my home country and sit on the pyramids. Not sure if that's legal...
97. Get bangs and a second earing hole.
98. Go to a SuperBowl!
99. Go to the Hollywood Walk of Fame!
100. Be happy. Die happy.

The Beginning